Kostenlose Lieferung für alle Bestellungen. Mindestbestellmenge von 12 Ameals.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do you deliver?

We deliver City of Toronto

When do we deliver? 

We operate on a weekly basis. All orders placed by Friday at 11:00 PM EST will be processed for Sunday/Monday delivery. Orders placed after Friday 11:00 EST will be delivered the next Sunday/Monday.
Minimum order 12 Amameals.

What is your minimum order for delivery?

In order to be eligible for delivery, customers must purchase at least 12 Amameals per order and live in the City of Toronto. 

How long can the baby meal be preserved ?

Our baby meals are the most fresh in the market, guaranteeing peak nutritional value on your baby food. Unopened Amameals can last up to 4 days in the fridge and 3 months in the freezer. Once open, consume in within 24 hrs.  

What age category are amameals intended for?

Your baby can start with Amamil purees as soon as 4-6 months. All our meals are made in order to cover your little human's introduction into solids. It is each parent's decision when is that moment proper. The Canadian Pediatric Nutrition Guideline Recommends intro to solids at 6 months, but the European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition suggests the introduction of complementary foods should not be before 17 weeks but should not be delayed beyond 26 weeks. For more info on how to know if your baby is ready: https://www.health.gov.bc.ca/library/publications/year/2017/pediatric-


How many times can I serve my child p/ Amameal?

Each Amameal serves 2-3 times, depending on your baby's appetite. Remember our meals are nutrient-dense, meaning we don't use any water or liquid to dissolve the whole food, leaving you a concentrated baby meal for you to safely thin (if wanted) with breast milk, baby formula, or simple warm water. 

    Why is Amamil guilt-free and stress-free?

    We save you around 6 hours a week of steaming, shopping, and cleaning. Guilt Free? your baby is intaking the best food for their development! Locally sourced, whole and fresh. From farm to table, leaving no green-gas footprint on our planet. We only operate locally to guarantee the best food for our community, transporting our baby food fresh in eco-friendly scooters, from local farmers to your baby's tummy.